Posts Tagged ‘prolife’

Just got this today…

For some context to this attachment: Pastor Mark Holick wrote this after spending a week ministering on the streets in Wyoming early May. They were there last year and were cited by local police and eventually won the case. This second time was under much duress and trouble from locals of every kind; church groups, pro-murder groups, federal folks etc. you name it. Just want to keep you aware of what is happening in this nation and to remind you that come September, States of Refuge will hold their regional event here in Little Rock. Will you join us NOW, on the streets, crying out against the injustice of babies arms and legs being ripped apart daily in our own State by abortion on demand by the poor man Mr. Tvedten at 4 Office Park Drive?

We will be out this Saturday, prolly starting at 0630 praying at the cross. O, dear saints, let’s cry aloud and spare not while we still have breath in our lungs…


Sing a Little Louder

Are we truly “pleading the case of the fatherless to win it”?
Jeremiah 5:28

After prominent pro-life leader Penny Lea had spoken one night, an elderly man approached her and gave her his testimony. This is his story:

“I lived in Germany during the Nazi holocaust. I considered myself a Christian.

I attended church since I was a small boy. We had heard the stories of what was happening to the Jews. But like most people today in this country, we tried to distance ourselves from the reality of what was really taking place. What could anyone do to stop it?

A railroad track ran behind our small church, and each Sunday morning we would hear the whistle from a distance and then the clacking of the wheels moving over the track. We became disturbed when on Sunday we noticed cries coming from the train as it passed by. We grimly realized that the train was carrying Jews. They were like cattle in those cars!

Week after week that train whistle would blow. We would dread to hear the sound of those old wheels because we knew that the Jews would begin to cry out to us as they passed our church. It was so terribly disturbing! We could do nothing to help these poor miserable people, yet their screams tormented us. We knew exactly at what time that whistle would blow, and we decided the only way to keep from being so disturbed by the cries was to start singing our hymns. By the time that train came rumbling past the church yard, we were singing at the top of our voices. If some of the screams reached our ears, we’d just sing a little louder until we could hear them no more. Years have passed and no one talks about it much anymore, but I still hear that train whistle in my sleep. I can still hear them crying out for help. God forgive all of us who called ourselves Christians, yet did nothing to intervene.

Now, so many years later, I see it happening all over again in America. God forgive you as Americans, for you have blocked out the screams of millions of your own children. The holocaust is here. The response is the same as it was in my country— SILENCE!”

Penny Lea
PO Box 3226
Boone , NC 28607
Tel: 828-265-2663 Website:

Baby Malachi

This little baby boy was found frozen in a jar with three other children at an abortion mill in Dallas, Texas, in February 1993. We were stunned when we found him. There were jars upon jars of frozen children in that abortion mill. Rhonda Mackey, our executive secretary at the time, brought this one jar out and asked me what we should do with it. I had no idea, but I instinctively knew we could not leave it there. We brought the jar to Dr. McCarty, a wonderful Ob-Gyn in Dallas, who put the pieces of this baby and the others back together.

The entire process was put on video as Dr. McCarty and all who were present wept at the reconstruction of these precious children. The life that was once there was now gone forever.

It became apparent to all of us that God had given us these children, one in particular, to show to the entire world the horror of abortion. One picture can speak louder than a truckload of words.

We prayed, and asked God to allow this little boy to speak to our nation. We remembered the scripture in Hebrews 11:4: “…he still speaks, even though he is dead.” It was upon a very specific revelation from our Lord that we had the picture of one baby blown up to poster size. Rhonda asked me if she might have the privilege of naming this little baby boy. She prayed, and God gave her the name that this child would become known by all over the world— Malachi!

Malachi means, “My messenger.”


by Operation Save America

For years now we have been saying that abortion is preeminently a Gospel issue. It is a physical manifestation of the battle between two seeds—the “seed of the serpent ” versus the “seed of the woman ” Genesis 3:15.

Because this is true, there can be no compromise, no “reaching across the aisle,” no “middle ground” in the abortion battle. Neither side will tolerate the other. When one chooses sides here, he is really choosing between God and the devil—between life and death!

This battle has been raging through the pages of the Bible and the pages of history since the beginning of time. The “seed of the serpent ” is in absolute rebellion against Almighty God and His Law. The “seed of the woman” is in agreement with Almighty God and His Law. Every person on this earth must choose to be on one side or the other, there is no “in between.”

What one perceives the battle to be will determine how he fights it!

Education: If you perceive abortion to be primarily an educational issue, then you will do all that you can to educate people, helping them realize that life begins at conception. The problem is, that many in our nation already know this fact, but they believe a mother’s right to choose trumps a child’s right to live. It isn’t about education!

Politics: If you perceive abortion to be primarily a political issue, then you will spend your time and money attempting to elect Republicans to make abortion illegal once again. However, politics is the art of compromise. To be successful, you must compromise God’s Word to get His work done. This is never a good idea! It isn’t about politics!

Economics: If you perceive abortion to be primarily an economic issue, then you will do all that you can to help those seeking an abortion to find financial help to see their baby to term and beyond. The problem is that most mothers seeking abortion just want to get it over with and get on with their lives. It isn’t about finances!

Compassion: If you perceive abortion to be a compassion issue, then you will do all that you can to set up crisis pregnancy centers so that those seeking abortion instead choose life. The problem is that over 80% of the patients seen in crisis pregnancy centers are not abortion-minded. Those seeking abortions don’t go to crisis pregnancy centers. It isn’t about compassion!

Gospel: If, however, you perceive abortion to be a Gospel issue, then you will call the Church of Jesus Christ into the streets to stand in the gap on behalf of pre-born children. If it is a battle between the “seed of the serpent” and the “seed of the woman,” only the Church of Jesus Christ can crush the head of the serpent. The gates of hell cannot prevail against her! Abortion is preeminently a Gospel issue!

If this is true, we Christians must confess that we have been wrong for the past 30 years in our fight against abortion. We must confess that, though well intentioned, we have failed to love our neighbor as ourself. We must confess that we have lost sight of the spiritual nature of this battle and how it must be won.

We have fought for the lives of children on every venue (educational, political, economic, compassionate, etc.) except this one. We have educated America about the sanctity of life. We have plunged into the political realm, electing Republican and conservative mercenaries to fight our battles for us. We have given financially, over and over again, to help mothers in crisis pregnancies. We have established crisis pregnancy centers. Unfortunately, we have not struck at the root of the problem.

It is only as the praying, proclaiming, praising Church of Jesus Christ allows her theology to become biography at local abortion mills in every city, that the battle may be won!

The “seed of the serpent ” is at war with “the seed of the woman.” This is the battle! Abortion is one of its most horrible physical manifestations. The devil is robbing, killing, and destroying God’s heritage (children, Ps. 127) while we sit by trying to educate, negotiate, buy off, or be compassionate with God’s sworn enemy. We have done everything but fight the devil and his lies with the Word of God.

The only entity ordained by God to crush the head of this serpent is the Church of Jesus Christ. It is time that we lived up to our high calling. Theology must become biography in the streets. The gates of hell cannot prevail. Abortion will come to an end in America when the Church of Jesus Christ makes up her mind it will come to an end—not one second sooner!


by Rusty Lee Thomas (follow up from yesterday’s post)


Like Minute Men of old, about 80 saints in Waco within a 24 hour notice showed up at the gates of hell. To Planned Parenthood’s shock, there were more of the Church than the ones they bused in or locals who came to support their immoral, tyrannical, death policies.


They literally hid behind the bus and like spoiled children on a school yard uttered chants. Their mantra, "What do we want?" The response, "Healthcare!" "When do we want it? The selfish response, "NOW!" They, in a state of delusion, actually believe American taxpayers should be forced to pay for their birth control and abortion agenda.

Once you give Satan an inch, he will take a mile. It used to be "pro-choice" and tolerate homosexuality. Today, these abominations demand acceptance, tax payer funding, or else. These people will trample religious freedom and every other American right to shove their aganda down our throats. This is what happens when a government and culture defends the indefensible.

Most of these people when challenged with God’s word, gave this snide remark, "You are still in the Dark Ages." That’s right, the Planned Parenthood "enlightened ones," who advocate child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood and homosexual sodomy, which epitomizes the brutal darkness of paganism in times past accused us of still living in the "Dark Ages." Hows that for "the pot calling the kettle black?"


The following link records men of God praying and preaching to refute their sad schemes that seeks to expolit the Fluke, Obama, and Limbaugh debacle to gain political and economic points.

Our message was clear, "Your ship is sinking. It is time to abandon ship. All the buses in the world cannot rescue you. You have sowed to the wind and you are reaping the whirlwind. Last year you operated four facilities, today you are down to one. Your days are numbered. It is time to abandon this sinking ship, but as you do, just know there is a life saver available. His name is Jesus. Let go of your perverted blood lust, blood money, and repent. Turn to Jesus and live!"

Channel 25 news report

<>< until He comes

Richard C. Hagen

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This is from Pastor Mark Kiser at the March For Life Right To Life Rally in Little Rock.”The Church needs to get out of our padded pews, take a sack lunch and Holy Bible to our local abortion mill and compel the madness of abortion on demand to stop.”

From: Rusty Lee Thomas

Today, two mailers were sent out to the five states that comprise the States of Refuge campaign. One was sent to every State Representative in Arkansas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. They are receiving a cover letter and a brochure articulating the States of Refuge vision and mission. The other mailer is being sent to 950 churches in the five counties that have the one remaining abortion mill defiling their land. They will receive a copy of the powerful DVD Abortion Matrix, cover letter, and brochure. Please pray that the Lord will use these materials to convince the spiritual and civil leaders to join this righteous effort to cleanse the land of this grave evil in Jesus’ name! Click hereto see the Church Letter.

A couple weeks back i sent out an article outlining events taking place here in Little Rock regarding WELSCO, a medical gas supply company, and the Abortion mill, entitled, “WELSCO, true to their word?”. The intention behind the question was to see the resolve behind this companies word. Sure enough, our answer came in an unsuspecting way – the Arkansas Democrat Gazette of all places! See attached article.

Thanks Thom Huey for being there and bringing the truth to bear on this company. Let’s pray that this mill closes permanently and cannot find another company to do business with.

And, if you have nothing else to do for the next minute, join our Facebook page!

Welsco Article in Paper 1-20-12 (1).pdf

This is from Pastor Mark Kiser today at the March For Life Right To Life Rally in Little Rock.The Church needs to get out of our padded pews, take a sack lunch and Holy Bible to our local abortion mill and compel the madness of abortion on demand to stop.

Join our Facebook page – Operation Save Arkansas