Posts Tagged ‘evil’

written by Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas

A team of brave, Christian pro-lifers lead by Mark Gabriel and Pastor Dale Sochia showed up at Virmani’s neighborhood and home to plead with him to repent of his sins and crimes and turn to Jesus for the salvation of his soul. What transpired has gone viral. Pro-life, Christian, and secular news outlets and blogs have reported on this incidence and are showing the video. The following is just a sample of the many articles that have been written. May the Lord continue to use this video to expose the hidden works of darkness and set the captive free in Jesus’ name!

Shocking: Abortionist Tells Pro-Life Group ‘Let Me See You Adopt One of Those Ugly Black Babies’

A horrifying video released by Operation Save America (OSA) sheds light on one abortionist’s views of his profession, and contrary to what many pro-choice activists would have you believe, the man does not seem to be in it to help "family planning."

(Related: Ethicists Argue in Favor of ‘After-Birth Abortions’ as Newborns ‘Are Not Persons’)

Confronted by a group of pro-life activists, North Carolina abortionist Ron Virmani launched into a rant about not burdening the taxpayers.

At first, one would think he is referring to burdening the taxpayers with the cost of the abortion, but it soon becomes clear he sees the children themselves as the burden.

"I as a taxpayer do not wish for those babies to be born, and brought up, and kill those people in Colorado," he says.

When the activists wearing "Jesus" shirts insist they still want the babies to be born, the man responds: "Let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies."

Watch the horrifying .

OSA’s website notes that the doctor seemingly felt he was solving several of society’s "problems" in his line of work. They write:

"His solution to crime in America, is to kill babies. His solution to welfare in America, is to kill babies. His solution to rising taxes in America, is to kill babies. His solution to stanch the flow of bitterness that fills his heart, is to kill babies. Murder is his answer to everything."

Furthermore, they note, Virmani repeatedly refers to the unborn as "babies," not "blobs of tissue" or "fetuses," invalidating the left’s argument that abortion is not murder.

LifeNews adds that Virmani is hardly the first "pro-choice" activist with a perverse infatuation for eugenics. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, publicly stated in 1920: "birth control is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit [and] of preventing the birth of defectives."

Day Gardner, president of the National Black Pro-Life Union, responded: "Excuse me? It’s all too obvious that he has a particular disgust for black babies and therefore has no problems killing them."

Gardner continued: "The black community should be outraged because Ashutosh Virmani is a brazen racist and his statement supports what we already know of the billion dollar abortion industry-black babies are targeted because they are seen as poor, worthless and maybe even ‘ugly.’"

Blessings to you all,

Well the devil is reeling from truth exposing him. As of going into yesterday we had a total of 1,600 hit on youtube in regards to abortionist Ron Virmani. But as of this morning that number has jumped to nearly 80,000. Not only this, it has been picked up by countless news and blogs such as, anyway it is catching fire.

The devil overplayed his hand, he thought he could win with a "Flush" (poker hand), but little did he know there is one called "The Royal Flush" and His name is Jesus! This man only has spoken what most abortionist really think going all the way back to Margret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood. Upon googling his name there are several pages of different sites that have picked this story up and have embedded the video. May the Lord expose the true ugliness of abortion, Americas Holocaust.

